Tuesday, December 11, 2012

CGMMSTICK LCD Interface Example

The Direct I/O page of MMIDE can also be used to test out an LCD display. In this example an LCD display is interfaced to the first ten (Pins 1-10 from MMBasic's perspective) and clicking the “Write” button in the 8-bit LCD Applet will write the text string that is in the text box above the button.
The LCD is wired as follows:
Pin 1 (11 on the connector) connects to the LCD data/control line.
Pin 2 connects to the LCD enable line.
The LCS read/write line is connected to ground. Ground and 5V power the LCD.
Pins 3-10 connect to the LCD D0-D7 data lines.

Prior to writing the text to the LCD, the applet writes the command sequence of &h33, &h33, &h38, &h0C, &h01. The LCD data sheet will help you understand the commands.

Purchase a CGMMSTICK1 Download of Maximite Integrated Development Environment: MMIDE

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