Tuesday, December 11, 2012

CGMMSTICK I2C Interface Example

As an example of the operation if the I2C function of the CGMMSTICK1, this example interfaces to a PCF8574A I/O expansion device.

I/O Pins 12 and 13 are used for I2C, as described in the documentation.
The code used in this example assumes that the address pins (A0-A2) are all grounded, giving this chip an address (offset) of 0.
The example code runs a 'cylon' pattern on the LEDs.

' Enable I2C
' speed = 100 kHz
' timeout = 100 milliseconds
I2CEN 100, 100


FOR loop1 = 0 TO 7

cylon = 2^loop1
cylon = (cylon XOR &hFF)

' Send I2C command to PCF8574A
' 8574A address = &h38
' send 1 byte
I2CSEND &h38, 0, 1, cylon


NEXT loop1

FOR loop2 = 6 TO 1 STEP -1

cylon = 2^loop2
cylon = (cylon XOR &hFF)

' Send I2C command to PCF8574A
' 8574A address = &h38
' send 1 byte
I2CSEND &h38, 0, 1, cylon


NEXT loop2


' Disable I2C

Purchase a CGMMSTICK1 Download of Maximite Integrated Development Environment: MMIDE

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